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Fruit Fly Monitoring Control
Fruit Fly monitoring control products

Bulk Attractants

Control Release Lures

Specialty Traps



FT C&C Trap

The C & C Trap was developed jointly by USDA/ARS and John Cook, the founder of Farma Tech International Corp.  It is a patented trap that typically employs a panel containing 10 grams of FT Trimedlure, FT Methyl Eugenol, or FT Cuelure.  When used with an FT TML Panel it is considered one of the most effective and powerful traps for male Mediterranean Fruit Flies available.

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1546 Boalch Avenue NW, Suite 30, North Bend, WA 98045 | Tel: (425) 396-1050 Fax: (425) 396-1059